Wow! What a blessed Night Walk 2012! We are so thankful for each of you for participating! An official Night Walk Recap will follow this post, but we wanted to give you all a little hint into the awesomeness that was Night Walk!
We started the beginning of the Night Walk with a conference call, led by Lacey Scott (Bring Me Hope’s U.S. Operations Director) and David Bolt (Bring Me Hope’s Executive Director). During this conference call we had the opportunity to hear the voices of some of the orphans Bring Me Hope will be working with this summer. We were also able to hear the story of an orphan who Bring Me Hope worked with in China, was adopted, and had the opportunity to go back to volunteer at a BMH Summer Camp! Whoa! Check out the whole call HERE!
People were walking for these little ones all over the globe! Check out some of these locations! More photos up on our Flickr page!

The Alamo, San Antonio, Texas
“This was my 1st “Nightwalk”! I love those littles very much and wanted to help somehow.”
-Misha Barcroft, Alamo Night Walk

Kaweah, California
“This is the fourth annual Night Walk my Mom, Grandma, little brother and I have done. I do it because Bring Me Hope is near and dear to my heart. I would love to volunteer one year and go to China for the summer camps but that hasn’t worked out so Night Walk participation has been a great way for me to help.”
-Joyce Campbell, Kaweah Night Walk

Birubi Beach, Australia
“We had a beautiful day for our ‘night walk’, and it appears that we will raise about $2000 so it was a great success.
We were joined by a small band of faithful, and all creatures great and small. We had our dogs, horses, camels and God even sent two humpback whales to ‘walk’ with us.”
-Steve Odger, Birubi Beach Night Walk

Tallahassee, Florida
“We typically have service and study on Friday nights, so we just incorporated the Night Walk into our Friday service. I led our congregation in by giving a presentation on our Bring Me Hope experience in 2010 and the importance of the Night Walk. We set up luminaries (paper bags with candles in them) to make a path around our campus and basketball courts, about a quarter mile circuit, and started walking! A couple of our guys walked with guitars and sang songs the whole time. I did not know that our own daughter, Eden, would be featured in the conference call!”
-Kevin Robertson, Tallahassee Night Walk