Author Archives: admin

Love & Defend

Volunteer on short-term mission trips to provide orphan from orphanages and foster homes with love, hope, a sense of worth, and long-term advocacy. Check out our volunteer page to get involved! 

One of the most common questions we get about our our mission trips to China to help children from orphanages and foster homes is, “What does a week look like?”  We decided to give you a glimpse of what YOU could do for a week, to change an orphan’s life.  Whether you are planning on volunteering or sponsoring an orphan, here is a week at Bring Me Hope camp!

 Day 1: “The kids are coming”

Kids coming to camp


This is one of the most exciting parts of camp.  Seeing the little faces peering out of the bus as they pull up to your camp location.  One by one these kids, both excited and nervous, exit the vehicle and are paired with you.  Their little hands slide into yours and you make your way back to your lodging, preparing for the rest of the week.

Day 2-4: “We are family”

Congratulations, you and your Chinese translator are now proud parents for the week with your amazing and beautiful child!  Your responsibilities will consist of making sure they are bathed, dressed, fed and physically taken care of throughout the day…this of course includes a bedtime story and tucking them in.Kids with Volunteer


Sleepy Boys

Throughout the day you and your family group will go out to experience many firsts.  These include swimming, going to the beach, eating ice cream, singing songs, coloring, crafting, shopping for snacks, playing games and of course your nightly dance parties.  While this is fun and an incredible experience, it’s the in-between moments that change lives…the times of comforting your child when they are sad, the times of carrying them around when they are too tired to walk and moments of just listening and loving them in the midst of the days events.  This is what brings healing and shows your child what it means to be loved and valued.

holding hands

Day 5: “The last day is just the beginning”

The last day of camp is just the beginning. We have seen how camp not only impacts the orphans while at camp, but continues long after camp. We have seen children adopted, advocated for, and helped in many different ways. Your job is just starting…and you are responsible to make that child’s voice heard, advocating for their needs!


For another awesome picture of camp, check out our documentary, Hannah’s Story and also don’t forget to check out our website to sponsor an orphan or volunteer in China.

For the kids!

Caitlyn & Bring Me Hope Team

Orphans from Orphanage – Mission Trip – Volunteer in China

TO LOVE: Our five day summer camps center around bringing forgotten children out of orphanages to experience a week of fun, love, and attention. This often
includes many firsts for the kids—their first time swimming, eating ice cream and hearing “I love you”. Demonstrating God’s love in action is what camp is all about

TO DEFEND: Most overseas trips end when you fly home, leaving you with only memories and pictures. However, our desire is for you to continue to have an impact long after you’ve left camp. Through our advocacy program, you can bring awareness to your child’s needs and even help find adoptive families. Our goal is to equip volunteers to defend vulnerable children.

VOLUNTEER: Visit our volunteer page for the most current volunteer opportunities.

DONATE: Visit our donation page for ways to support Bring Me Hope.




DAY 1: The kids are coming! Today, you become a proud “parent” as you and your translator(s) are paired with 1-2 children to form a family group. Spend the day getting to know each other before you begin an amazing week of camp!


DAY 2-4: Let the fun begin! Camp is filled with activities for your family group to enjoy together. From arts & crafts to talent shows to dance parties, this is a week for your child to explore new experiences in a safe environment. You will have the unique opportunity to empower these children and show them unconditional love during camp. These are the moments that Bring Me Hope Camp was created for!


DAY 5: Today is the day that the children go home to the orphanage. It’s a bittersweet celebration of the relationships you’ve created and how far your family group has come in just 5 short days. It becomes more than just the last day of camp. Some volunteers have been able to help children get adopted, receive medical care, and help with other needs.


AFTER CAMP: Bring Me Hope will provide you with the skills and training to make a greater impact on these children’s lives when you fly back home. You will be given the privilege to be an advocate for the children’s needs and help them find adoptive families!


“An amazing experience that doesn’t stop when camp is over. Not only did I get to love orphans for a week, but I was also able to come home and try to find the kids families! It is life changing!”
– Caitlyn Barkalow

“Just finished my first month of volunteering at summer camp and I am moved by what they do. Seeing the joy in the kids’ faces everyday instilled hope in me. Thank you Bring Me Hope for the opportunity to know these orphans by name and to love them! Best summer ever!”
– Christina Lopatin

“Most beautiful children, most beautiful ministry, most beautiful experience that changes you into something more beautiful. What are you waiting for? Go.”
– Rose Cannon

“I have been to Bring Me Hope five times, one was when I was an orphan and the rest I returned to Bring Me Hope Camp as a volunteer. I just love Bring Me Hope Camp, it is a great mission to reach out to the un-reached children who are lost in the darkness and the translators. Being Me Hope is the first one who truly showed me what true love, hugs, kindness, and warm home feels like. For the past thirteen years of my life in the orphanage, I have never knew what it is feels like to have a loving family until I went to Bring Me Hope Camp.”
– Eden Robinson-Robertson

Coronavirus creates urgent need!

Coronavirus Update:
Bring Me Hope has MANY friends, volunteers, and orphans impacted by the Coronavirus. We are planning on running camps this summer, but we will make necessary changes as we know more. We have an URGENT request to pass along. We depend on volunteer trip fees to help with operating expenses. As things are on hold, we are facing a difficult window of time.

Thank you for considering helping support Bring Me Hope! Please email with any questions or for updates.

David Bolt – Director of Bring Me Hope




Bring Me Hope

As Needed Donation


Paypal Donation Option


2019 Camp Details


Talent shows, water balloon fights, arts & crafts, music, dancing, and ice cream! Our Summer Camps have it all! Our camps aim to provide a fun and safe place for orphans to feel valued and loved.

Each summer, we send volunteers like you to become a family to an orphan for a week or more! Volunteers who come to our camps in China make it possible for orphans to come to camp. Because of camp, Chinese orphans and at-risk youth get to leave their orphanages and spend a week with YOU! Come and share with China’s children that they are special and deeply loved.



Our five day summer camps center around bringing forgotten children out of orphanages to experience a week of fun, love, and attention. This often includes many firsts for the kids—their first time swimming, eating ice cream and hearing “I love you”. Demonstrating God’s love in action is what camp is all about.


Most overseas trips end when you fly home, leaving you with only memories and pictures. However, our desire is for you to continue to have an impact long after you’ve left camp. Through our advocacy program, you can bring awareness to your child’s needs and even help find adoptive families. Our goal is to equip volunteers to defend vulnerable children.


DAY 1: The kids are coming! Today, you become a proud “parent” as you and your translator(s) are paired with 1-2 children to form afamily group. Spend the day getting to know each other before you begin an amazing week of camp!

DAY 2-4: Let the fun begin! Camp is filled with activities for your family group to enjoy together. From arts & crafts to talent shows to dance parties, this is a week for your child to explore new experiences in a safe environment. You will have the unique opportunity toempower these children and show them unconditional love during camp. These are the moments that Bring Me Hope Camp was created for!

DAY 5: Today is the day that the children go home to the orphanage. It’s a bittersweet celebration of the relationships you’ve created and how far your family group has come in just 5 short days. It becomes more than just the last day of camp; You are left with memories and passion to do something about this orphan crisis.

AFTER CAMP: Bring Me Hope will provide you with the skills and training to make a greater impact on these children’s lives when you fly back home. You will be given the privilege to be an advocate for the children’s needs and help them find adoptive families! 


Week 1: July 8 – 12

Week 2: July 15 – 19

Week 3: July 22 – 26

Week 4: July 29 – August 2

Volunteers will be required to arrive at their camp location the Saturday or Sunday afternoon prior to their camp week beginning and to leave the Saturday after their camp week ends. Lodging will be provided over weekends for those volunteering for more than one week of camp.


General Registration
Application Deadline: May 31, 2019 (Ask about exceptions)

1 Week:   $900

2 Weeks: $1,300

3 Weeks: $1,700

4 Weeks: $2,100

  • Children ages 12 and under receive a 50% Discount.
  • Children ages 2 and under come to camp for free.
  • If you are currently living in China, please contact


Located in Southwest China, Chongqing is a modern port city on the Yangtze River.

Positioned at a near-tropical latitude, Kunming is called the City of Eternal Spring.

Sitting along the East coast of China, Yantai is famous for its fishing industry and apple crops.

Situated south of the Yellow River, Zhengzhou is one of the ancient capitals of China.

APPLY to Camp:


“An amazing experience that doesn’t stop when camp is over. Not only did I get to love orphans for a week, but I was also able to come home and try to find the kids families! It is life changing!” 
– Caitlyn Barkalow

“Just finished my first month of volunteering at summer camp and I am moved by what they do. Seeing the joy in the kids’ faces everyday instilled hope in me. Thank you Bring Me Hope for the opportunity to know these orphans by name and to love them! Best summer ever!”– Christina Lopatin

“Most beautiful children, most beautiful ministry, most beautiful experience that changes you into something more beautiful. What are you waiting for? Go.”– Rose Cannon

“I have been to Bring Me Hope five times, one was when I was an orphan and the rest I returned to Bring Me Hope Camp as a volunteer. I just love Bring Me Hope Camp, it is a great mission to reach out to the un-reached children who are lost in the darkness and the translators. Being Me Hope is the first one who truly showed me what true love, hugs, kindness, and warm home feels like. For the past thirteen years of my life in the orphanage, I have never knew what it is feels like to have a loving family until I went to Bring Me Hope Camp.” 
– Eden Robinson-Robertson


Anyone who is approved by our volunteer coordinating team! There’s no age limit. (Although, volunteers under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian age 25 or older.)

Not at all! We have volunteers from all over the world join us at our China camps each year!

Children are welcome to attend camp with their parents. We do ask that parents carefully evaluate whether their child will be a good participant at camp. While we do want your kids to enjoy their experience, our primary focus is on our campers’ experience. If your child demands quite a bit of attention, it may be better for them to stay home so you can best focus on your camp children.

Each summer camp is 5 days long for our campers, but we require our volunteers to arrive to the camp location the weekend before camp for onsite training and jet lagging. Volunteers may choose to attend as many weeks as they wish, with a two week maximum stay per camp location.

It will depend on the location you are placed at. You might stay in a hotel, dormitory, school, or similar accommodation. We strive to place our volunteers in locations that are comfortable, but most importantly safe. You will be lodging with fellow volunteers of the same gender or with your family members.

Yes, you will need both. If you plan to come to camp, we recommend applying for your passport ASAP. You will receive more information on how to apply for your Chinese Visa after your acceptance to Bring Me Hope camp.

Bring Me Hope doesn’t require proof of immunizations to attend camp. We recommend our volunteers to consult with their personal doctor before traveling.

Yes, we require each of our volunteers to purchase travel insurance through Volunteer Card. After your acceptance, our volunteer coordinating team will send out more information on how, when, and where to purchase.

You will be a part of at least three pre-camp trainings and one on-site training before camp.

Meals, lodging, camp activities, transportation to/from a camp-approved airport, transportation during camp dates, camp t-shirt, and lanyard.

Passport, Chinese visa, travel insurance, travel to China (airfare), weekend activities, spending money, souvenirs, snacks, and some meals over weekends.



Volunteer in China this summer with Bring Me Hope! Bring Me Hope camps give you the opportunity to provide orphans with love, hope, a sense of self-worth, and long-term advocacy. You could be the only person to ever show a child love. What an opportunity!

Make your summer count and begin changing the world one life at a time.

“So what exactly does a week at camp look like?” We’re glad you asked! Here’s a week-in-the-life of a Bring Me Hope summer camp volunteer.


“Stand Up and Start Your Mission”

I grew up in the orphanage for ten years. For the past ten years of my life at the orphanage I was never been able to go near someone, because of my badly wounded, infected, and bloody foot, and a pair of infected awful smelly ears. Whenever people came near me I would always go as far away as possible so that they could not smell my ears or see my nasty foot. Every day I had to be hundred feet away from people so they would not be disgusted by my ears. I did not like to embarrass anybody or let them talk about how bad my ears smell or my foot looked, so I had my own little corner that I could hide from so no one could found me or talked bad about me. That was how my life was at the orphanage I did not like to be ashamed or embarrassed by people because of what I had.
Bring Me Hope I (2006)
In August of 2006, a few of my friends and I went to a camp called Bring Me Hope. I was very scared, felt ashamed, and guilty to myself because of my foot and ears. I tried to hide my foot and cover my ears so they would not notice anything. At the camp the children were matched with a Chinese translator and an American volunteer (we call that a family group), My American buddy was Kirsten Chase and another child named (Jing Hua) from a different orphanage I did not remember my translator. Throughout the camp I did not talk to the strangers (foreigners) or even go near them. I did my best to run away from the people that I did not know. I was scared that they would be like my caregivers and friends talked baddy about my foot and ears, not long after they found out my foot and ears. They did not yelled at me or told me to go away but they gave me whole bunch of medicines for my foot and ears and my buddy Kristen hugged me because she knew I fill little scared and shy. For ten years of my life at the orphanage I never had any medicines and hugs before, my foot bleeds every day and no one cares, and no one ever came close to me within three feet and gave me hugs. For three whole days I was keeping my distance away from all the people I did not know. I was very stubborn and cold hearted to my family group and the rest of the people I did not talk anybody or interact with my family group I would was ran to my friends and play with them. As the Friday came that means the camp was almost over, so that very night for talent show all the American buddies gathered together and learned a Chinese song called” Grateful Heart”( 感恩的心) . All the children sat on the floor with the translators and listen to our American buddies sing the song, and at the end of the song the American buddies gave their buddies (children) hugs. That very night I stated to open up my mind and gave my buddies hugs and talked to them and smile at them. That very next morning it was very raining day and it was time for us to leave. Everybody cried and hugged their buddies tightly, and for the first time and ever I cried and teared and so I quickly ran to my buddy Kristen and hugged her tightly. My heart was truly touched by my family group, for the first time and ever I never felt so loved cared by people before, I just would not let go of my buddy. At the very last minute I let go with non-stop tears dripping down from my eyes. At the bus all the children cried or felt sad all the way home.
Bring Me Hope II (2010)
In July of 2010 my whole family went back to Bring Hope. My parents were the volunteers and my two sisters and I were just kids did not have the responsibly of doing anything or teaching anything to the children. My parents both had a child and an interpreter and the two families together we made a big family group. My sisters and I were just playing with the other children our age.
Bring Me Hope III (2014)
In The past summer of July my friend (Jessie) and I went to Bring Me Hope camp by ourselves. I was very happy and excited to be able to go back again as a volunteer. On Monday I had the two youngest children of the whole camp. They were two years old and three years old, and both of my boys were very active, energetic, and naughty. My interceptors and I just could not stop them from running, I guess they are in just in those ages. Every day, I would chase them from one place to another and play with them from early morning till night. Throughout the week of camp I learned to be patient, interact with them, and love them of all. I had the responsibility to be like a volunteer, and show love, kindness, and patient to the children who never had the experience before. When all the children left on Friday morning it was always a sad day for everybody to leave their little family group once you have build up a good relationship with the children it is always sad to leave each other. In the weekend I slap with the interpreters that night. In my dorm there were six Chinese interpreters and one of them was my. All the children left so I went back to my normal self which is the crazy, naughty, restless, nonstop talking, loud, and burst out laughing every time people talk. I was the only volunteer in that room so most the translators came to my bed and as me about how I know about BMH? How many times I have volunteering and so on. I started to open my album book that I bought with me and shared my life time stories with them, after that they asked me what does Bring Me Hope mean and what is the main purpose to be in BMH. I shared every details that I know to them. By two thirty o’clock mid-night I started to share my faith with them, and half some of them got tired so they hoped into their bed and get ready for bed. The rest of them were still listening to me and I showed them the most important passages from the Bible and they started to ask me all kinds of questions like “how to do you know the Bible is true? Where is God? How do you know if Jesus is going to coming back again?” Thank goodness I got all those passages highlighted and bookmarked. I carefully telling them the truth from Bible to them, and they started understand what I mean. When it was time for me to ask them about their life background and some of them are staring to believe and some are still not sure but in the deciding point line. When were all time talking about the Biblical massages they were getting to be tired because it was about three forty-five o’clock, but I was not tired at all I was still very energetic and active. While they were getting to bed I still stalking burst out with words and laughs. Finally I realized I was talking to the air they all went to bed so not long after I went to bed. We all woke up at nine o’clock and went out for a walk. I had an awesome time! I truly did!
Bring Me Hope V (2015)
This year in July, I am going back to Bring Me hope by myself and serve for the Lord again for those who are in hunger and thirst for the Lord Jesus Christ. I just can’t wait at all. The great news for this year is that we are staring a Bring Me Hope camp in Philippine. David Bolt the starter of the BMH is going to go there. I am so happy and excited that Bring Me Hope is getting bigger as the time goes on. In Bring Me Hope we not only showing the children love, faith, patient care, kindness, and etc… We are also reaching out the translators who are lost in the darkness, there are so many people are in need of a Savior Jesus Christ. In Mark 16:15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. In Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” In the past I was a non-talker, not very active, very cold hearted, and did not like to go near anybody at all. Once I got accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior at the age of fifteen I totally got changed into a different person. If I can do this than I believe you can do this too. There are so many people need our help to lead them to Christ, BMH is one of the organization you can joining. Christians stand up and start your mission! Don’t waste your time! The life God gave you is way too precious to waste there are way too many people needs your help, and God needs your hands and feet to get moving!

Eden's Story

Night Walk 2015!

Night Walk Banner

Join people around the world to raise support for orphans in need!

On Friday, May 15th, people around the world will participate in the 2015 Night Walk to raise awareness for orphans in need and raise money to help them go to Bring Me Hope camp this summer. To sign up for the Night Walk, click here. For more information about the Night Walk, click here. The deadline for ordering T-shirts is May 1st, so sign up soon! Scroll down to see a map of all the cities hosting a Night Walk this year.

Tighten up your laces and let’s walk our cities for orphans around the world!


Join a walk in a city near you or create a walk of your own!

Give Back

This is the time of year where Bring Me Hope is on their toes as we start pushing towards getting everything ready for camp. It’s not just the details, crafts and games we are planning but the kids that we will be bringing and who we will choose.

To get into our head and about the kids we work with means seeing our year long goal. We can say it starts at camp, our volunteers arrive ready to take on the new challenges and fun as orphans are bussed in for the week. This is a time where kids get to be kids and possibly forget for a fleeting moment that they are hoping for a family. There are firsts for them through the week and by the time they leave, we hope that they have felt LOVED in ways they have never seen.missions, china, orphan care, kids, summer camp, bring me hope

Camp is just the beginning for our kiddos, going home is one of the most crucial steps…it’s where we the staff and volunteer spend hours putting together information about our campers and getting them seen. We blast them on social media, tell their story to the world and search for families. Having first hand experience, photos and videos can attract the attention of many adoptive parents because they feel like they know the child before they lock in on their file.missions, china, orphan care, kids, summer camp, bring me hope

So, while a month is spent at camp, 11 months are spent advocating. This brings us to today. We want to change lives, we want to get our campers on the front page of many peoples minds…we want families. BUT to make this possible, we have to have people like you and me send orphans to our camp. It can be a $20 donation or $500. Without YOU, less kids come which could potentially mean a child’s story won’t get told.missions, china, orphan care, kids, summer camp, bring me hope

This month, we are coming alongside Cory, founder of Give Yak and making your donations more fun. Give Yak was founded with a passion to serve the Chinese community by designing Asian-inspired shirts that give back. For March, Cory had the idea to partner with us to launch Give Yak while giving all the proceeds to Bring Me Hope campers. The catch is, you get a gift if you donate this month…depending on the size of the donation will put you in different brackets from shirts to hand made Asian crafts and beautiful boxes.missions, china, orphan care, kids, summer camp, bring me hope

So if you want to help us send a kids to camp, go to Give Yak and give back (

For The Kids,
