Two campers in Xin Zheng last year!
Two campers in Xin Zheng last year!
I have been home for 2 days from THE AMAZING JOURNEY. Thanks so much for your prayers and encouragements!! Well, here is what happened there and what our Father did!!
We stayed at the orphanage one night and one morning and met more than 10 kids who study at the nearby orphanage. This is totally out of my expectation because I thought there would be around 5 of them. However, there were 11 kids!! We went to pick them up at the end of school the same afternoon we arrived there to give them a surprise, and they were so happy to see us.
We talked, sang songs, (they sang a church song for us!!!), ate and went to school together! They are happy, healthy, love school and have many companions. I was amazed by how well they were. Praise the Father for HIS faithful love and care!!
We also met two girls from the orphanage who study at high school. Praise the Father that HE helped us find them without waiting too long or having too many troubles. We brought them money and gifts, and especially love and encouragements they needed most.
We left the orphanage after one day’s visit, then went to my friend’s home which is two hours away from the orphanage. We stayed for more than one day, had fun with his nieces, goofed in the village, relaxed and enjoyed FATHER’S amazing preparation since my friend’s mother is also a sister in Christ!! They were extremely helpful and nice. We had so much fun together
A three day journey is not long, however the Lord did show us his mercy, love, power and faith. The children from the orphanage are all doing well!! I have a more clear understanding on the verse which says work is for helping others in a better way. I spent one month’s salary for the kids and my students also bought many stuff for the kids after hearing about my journey. God is with me, I do not do things alone. I wish I might have more chances to do this in the future.
Thank you all for your prayers and love for Chinese kids…