Care for Dying Children

We in the west all know about ‘tough love ‘- making hard decisions for the ultimate good of your child.

For example sending them to school without their homework (or in their pajamas) or letting them learn to clean their room!

Some parents in China really have to make harder decisions for their children and I have heard about two lately.

The first is a little girl with spina bifida – only discovered at birth and she was abandoned soon after. She was left with a note that said ‘we are poor village farmers and can’t afford the operation. Please look after our baby girl “.

This family had to decide to live without their daughter forever – knowing that her only hope of an operation was if she was an orphan.

The second was a heart breaking story of a 6 month old girl with severe liver failure. She has obviously been in a loving family who had realized that she was dying and abandoned her in the hope that someone would be able to help.

Sadly this little girl died a week later – away from her parents and the love that she knew.

I can only imagine how hard it was for her parents to leave her knowing that they would never see her again.

She was taken in and cared for by an English couple who are looking after dying infants – they also hope to support families so that they no longer need to abandon very unwell/dying children.

“China Kidz” serves by establishing and running children’s hospices. If you would like to help them in anyway though donations or volunteering, I know it would be much appreciated. They are doing a wonderful job in caring for these children.

China Kidz Website:

REV 21;4 – ” He shall wipe away all tears from their eyes ; and there shall be no more death,neither sorrow,nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain….”

Julie Vidler

Canada Tour Snapshots

Katie and Kristen from the Bring Me Hope Team have been hitting the road this Spring to spread the word about the orphan situation in China.

“We’ve seen God work in amazing ways during our speaking tours,” Kristen Chase says.

“People are open to hearing the truth about what these children go through and by God’s grace they are responding!

We are seeing people wanting to volunteer at China, sponsor orphans for a week at camp, and also be challenged by the way they live in their own communities! It’s amazing to witness God at work!”

Nutrition for Malnourished Orphans

“I went to the XinXiang Orphanage with eight other Bring Me Hope Club Members. We decided to help the orphans with their lives and their studies. This orphanage is a special one because the children’s parents are in prison as a result of family violence. We stayed with the children for only one week, and we all became best friends. There are about twenty five children in this orphanage, and six of them are girls. The average age of these children is twelve. They are very polite and adorable, living together like a big family.

During that week, we shared every meal together with the children. However, I found a problem: there were no fresh vegetables for the children to eat during breakfast or supper. The children eat the same food every day. For breakfast, there is only porridge and mantou (Chinese rolls). For lunch there are some noodles with only a little bit of cabbage. For dinner they have porridge and mantou again. Every day the meals are the same.

When I had dinner with them, I often felt sorry for them. Their bodies are in an important stage of growing up, and they need to get enough nutrition to strengthen their body every day.

After I left the orphanage, an idea occurred to me: We should do something to change the situation. I estimated that it would take about 2,000 RMB every month to provide them with vegetables (or sometimes milk) at every meal. It is really on my heart to help these children to grow up healthy. Personally, I will donate 300 RMB every month, but that was not enough. So I sent out an email to all of my foreign teachers asking for their help.

Many of the teachers replied and donated money for the children to have vegetables at every meal! I just did a little, all work was done by our Father.”

Below are some pictures of the children at the XinXiang Orphanage eating vegetables, thanks to a Chinese University student wanting to make a difference!