Quote from David Platt



“We learned that orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they’re not real before you hold them in your arms. But once you do, everything changes.” – Radical by David Platt.



TO LOVE: Our five day summer camps center around bringing forgotten children out of orphanages to experience a week of fun, love, and attention. This often
includes many firsts for the kids—their first time swimming, eating ice cream and hearing “I love you”. Demonstrating God’s love in action is what camp is all about

TO DEFEND: Most overseas trips end when you fly home, leaving you with only memories and pictures. However, our desire is for you to continue to have an impact long after you’ve left camp. Through our advocacy program, you can bring awareness to your child’s needs and even help find adoptive families. Our goal is to equip volunteers to defend vulnerable children.


GLO project Week 1 “This is the best class ever!”

Something glorious is taking place right now. At this moment, Chinese students are sitting around me studying The Book. They have a teacher who has a passion for the Father, host families who consider them as their own kids, and two Bodies who are supporting them in any way they can. Paul is one of these students. Last summer at camp he had a lot of questions about Him, and wanted to know more. By the end of camp he walked into His family. Now he is here growing and learning!

When the students were matched with their host moms and dads, everyone was a little shy. Only three days later a deep friendship began. They may come from two opposite cultures, but His love has united them into a family. With each day that passes, they build deeper and deeper friendships with their Chinese students…I mean family.

Update about all He is doing for Silas and his family!!

Wow, He is doing so much!! The exact details of all He is doing are quite unclear to us at this very moment, but it is undeniable that He is working in so many ways!
We have recently received the contact information of one fo the world’s top neurosurgeons! He works at UCLA medical center and has traveled overseas (specifically to China) to do surgeries! We got in touch with him and his associate. We are eagerly waiting to hear back from them! We do not know to what extent these men will be involved in Silas’ life. But, whatever the capacity (whether they are just more professional consults of if they could be performing surgery on Silas in the near future) we are thankful for them. We are ever looking in to the option of potentially bringing him here to do surgery if the surgeon thinks that is a viable option. We will keep you updated as we hear more!
Thank you to all of you who have donated money towards his surgery and recovery. We are uncertain of the amount we will now need as the direction of the plan is up in the air. We do know that Silas will be getting surgery and funds are still needed! So pray and talk to people about the story of Silas and Hannah and all He is doing and using for His glory!