An Update on Silas

Just a quick update on Silas and his upcoming surgery. For a while we have been trying to get a hold of Stanford and the neurosurgeon who said he would do the surgery for Silas. We were growing a bit weary of not knowing what was going on or hearing back from them.

This Monday He sent us a little ray of sunshine. We were able to get in touch with the neurosurgeon and he assured us that he is still waiting to hear back from Stanford about funding the surgery for Silas. Then we were able to contact those who are making the decision. They said they will be working on an answer for us and will keep us updated daily. After a few months of phone tag and feeling “in the dark”, this news has really lifted our spirits! He is always at work and our hope is ever growing. Please join us in lifting this up as they assured us a final decision about financing the surgery will come soon.

Dr Mindia also gave us some more details about the surgery that he is planning for Silas. It looks like the procedure he is planning on doing is only done in five medical facilities in the States and ten worldwide. We are working with a real expert! He thinks there is an outstanding chance of complete lesion resection and long term brain stem decompression, with reversal of neuralgic symptoms!

Thank you for continuing to lift this up. We will keep you updated on all He is doing!

A Sunday School Sponsorship

These 2nd and 3rd graders from a church in West Virginia raised enough money to send a Chinese orphan to camp this summer. We’re very proud of them for helping out at such a young age!  Because of them a child had the opportunity to come out of an orphanage and experience a week of fun in a loving environment!  Thank you, little friends.  You inspire us!