We love featuring updates for everyone about camp life. It is a great opportunity to share what HE is doing in the lives of orphans & volunteers and how you can change lives by sponsoring orphans and advocating for our camp kids! Who knows…maybe it will inspire you to become part of the adventure and adopt a sweet little kid or volunteer at Bring Me Hope summer camp 2014?
We had a crazy week here at Yantai but I guess that’s to be expected with a new location, constant rain and daily power & water shortages 🙂 However, the great part of all of this is that the kids didn’t even notice the number of times our schedule was thrown out the window. They were smiling and having the time of their life. What a joy it was to see them squealing when we brought the ocean to them (the rain prohibited us from going to the ocean) and they got to “go fishing” in a blow up pool. I think the comment that I heard the most throughout the week was, “Wow, I thought I was coming here to serve orphans and teach them life skills, but it’s the kids that are teaching me!” We’re super thankful for all the opportunities He gave us this week to learn what it means to rely on His enduring strength and unshakable wisdom.
This is one of our favorite camp transformations and we can tell from the pictures not only that she is loved but His daughter…she is so beautiful and deserves to be treated like a princess!
May (Chinese Camp Director) >“This beautiful girl is delayed and it is clear that she has received messages her whole life that she is not worthy of love. The first day of camp she was constantly looking down with hunched shoulders and cowering in the corner. It was amazing to watch the love of her translators bring about transformation to her whole body stance over the course of the week. They didn’t let her disability disarm them but instead treated her like a princess. They were true sisters to her. They taught her how to look up and face the world and created a safe place so she could!”
Is ^he^ not the cutest little thing ever!
Nancy (Volunteer) > “It was amazing to see how the children changed from Monday to Friday. Only He could bring that kind of transformation. I hope that they will allow this transformation to carry them through this year!”
Graham (Chinese Staff) > “I learned how discipline can bring two people together. I was afraid of disciplining Mike at first but then I took him aside and talked to him about bullying. He didn’t take it well at the time but by the next day and throughout the week he would always initiate interactions with me and constantly come find me to chat or hang out. These kids need LOVE – and it comes in many different forms.”
“She was crying all night and wouldn’t let me go. I whispered to her, “You can fall asleep in my arms.” She finally calmed down and went to sleep.”
Kate (Volunteer) >“I had two buddies, they looked so similar I could have sworn they were twins. The first one I bonded with really quickly, the second child was little resistant. We were sitting outside McDonalds one day and I was teaching the first one how to kiss me on the cheek (she had never seen this done before) and then the second girl randomly came over and planted one on my cheek too! What a privilege…teaching two little girls how to express love with a kiss on the cheek! It was definitely a highlight for me!”
Thank you for reading and letting us share our heart for the orphans…what the world deems as broken is made beautiful by sharing Him and loving on these kids! What a privilege it is to be part of their story!
P.S. We are still taking “Orphan Sponsorships” to cover camp + kid costs! If you would like to take part and see more lives changed like this past week at Yantai visit this link >http://bring-me-hope.myshopify.com/products/sponsor-an-orphan
For The Kids!