The Odgers move to China!

This month marks the end of a long journey for the Odgers to move to China, and the beginning of a whole new adventure as they serve the people there.   Below is an update from Steve Odgers sharing how He has led their family to China.

“Our journey to China began during a Bring Me Hope tour down under in 2008. As David spoke and we saw images of the orphans attending camp our hearts were broken, as evidenced by the tears streaming down our faces. We knew then He had a plan for us, which included coming to China to be a part of camp. We didn’t realise camp was only the beginning of the plan. In His kindness and gentleness, He has only revealed that plan step by step as He knew we could cope with it.

After our first year at camp as volunteers for two weeks in Xi’an, the connection with China had deepened to the point that I was ready to pack up home and move to China. Not long after returning I had a dream there was a poor Chinese man knocking on my window. I opened the window and he came in and got into my bed. I was about to object when I noticed it was not just him but also his children who were now sleeping in my bed. I misinterpreted the dream as meaning at we needed to go to China immediately, however it was two more years until we would actually move here.

Those two years have included another trip to China to work as staff at camp last year, selling our business, giving our children time to ‘catch’ the same vision the Father had given us, allowing our extended family time to come to terms with our leaving, and the myriad of other things that needed to be put in place for moving to a new country. The dream really revealed not only the substance of His vision for us but also the process. First I heard the knocking, then I opened the window, let the man in, allowed him into my bed and finally realised that he had brought his entire family. If I knew what the final situation would be it is likely that I would never have answered the knocking at the window. What we are now doing in China is finding out what He meant by allowing China (the man) and all his children into our bed (our life).

At present that includes living here, home schooling our children, Cathy formally learning the language, me working as an English teacher and physical therapist, all of us attending BMH summer camp again this year, and helping our friends the Vidlers with their work with Elim Kids (see Who knows what else our Father has in store for us but we look forward with anticipation to seeing what He reveals in His timing.”

Isn’t their story incredible?  And this is just the start of their time there!   We love you, Odgers Family!

The Odger's

The Odgers with BMH staff member, Carm Hepworth

One thought on “The Odgers move to China!

  1. N0rman Ainsworth

    Hi Odgers family, great to find out about the blog site and read about whats happening there. I was talking to Ronda this morning and catching up on her news and plans to visit you all in Sept. Ann and I keep you in our prayers and thank God for the mission your involved in. Love from Uncle Normie


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