The Invision Project

Bring Me Hope’s own Kristen Chase has started a project teaching orphans photography!
Last summer ‘The Invision Project‘ took six orphan girls on a photography adventure in Nanchang.

Not only did the girls have a great time, the results they produced were absolutely stunning!

Kristen has started selling handmade greetings cards with their photos! You can find them on sale HERE!
Proceeds will go towards giving other orphans the opportunity to learn photography through ‘The Invision Project’.

“Little One” by Zhan Xiao Fen (Sarah), age 14

To see more of the beautiful photos or learn how you can get involved, head over to her blog:

One thought on “The Invision Project

  1. Michele Maddison

    Hey Kristen

    Love this project and all the amazing work you have put into the project. Would love to help you with it next year when I head to China; hopefully we can set up a Kunming branch!

    Keep up the amazing work, it is wonderful and if you need ‘remote editing’ done this year let us know. Only happy to help.

    Love and hugs
    Michele xoxo 🙂


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