Summer Camp Update 6 of 6

I’m a new dad! At least for the next 3 months. I never thought that being a parent could be soooo hard!!! After this week, I respect parents everywhere more than I ever have. Especially if you have a teenager who doesn’t like to get up in the morning, is stubborn, wants his own way, tells lies, eats food he’s not supposed to, and thinks he can live on his own. E-mail if you would like to follow the Ranch video updates.

REVIVAL of hearts- A little more about the miracle summer of 2009
Not only did God keep our camp open this summer, but He opened MANY hearts. We saw a mini-revival take place when quite a number of people made decisions to follow God with their lives. In the last 5 years of camp, we have never seen anything like it. We have also never seen such difficulty in keeping the camp open. I’m so glad that we fight on the winning team! Thank you again for all your prayers!
When my tears drop- A letter from an orphan
At night when I lay awake. I will think of you and my tears will drop. Whatever great difficulties, I will never give up. Trust myself and God… I love you very much and you are important in my heart. My English is not very good. I want to make you help me. Would you like to be my English teacher? I will be your Chinese student and Chinese sister. I miss you–that’s all
Best wishes to you! I love you! Fiona

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