[COPY] Internship


Join our groovy, dynamite intern team as we fight to LOVE & DEFEND the orphan!


  • 4 hours a week (Tuesdays AND Thursdays 4:30-6:30pm PST)
  • January 8th-May 30th
  • Learn about child counseling and missions training.
  • Volunteer at summer camp!
  • $200, which covers books mailed to you, materials, background check, and staff fees.




  • 12 hours a week (Tuesdays AND Thursdays from 2:30-6:30pm PST, plus independent working time)
  • January 8th-December 13th
  • Learn non-profit skills, child counseling and missions training; Topics listed below.
  • Volunteer at summer camp!
  • $200, which covers books mailed to you, materials, background check, and staff fees.



Love & Defend Orphans

– Work side by side with the child advocacy team to help waiting children find families. We will match you with several children you will be praying and advocating for. We will also teach you how to make a video, webpage, bio, and photos for your children.

Go to camp and work directly with children. Provide orphans with a safe place to experience healing, be assured of their value, and be given opportunities to explore fun, new things like swimming, art, music and field trips.

– Bring Me Hope relies on interns for many of our projects & programs. Here are just a few ways our interns have impacted the organization: social media, volunteer coordinating, administration projects, website development and listing waiting children, and fundraising campaigns.

– Facilitate a Bring Me Hope online class for international students. We will match you with international students interested in learning about orphan care. You will be given an opportunity to impact the students through your life and what you are learning. You will also learn about Chinese culture!

– Join the movie team. Bring Me Hope produced a faith based feature film to raise awareness for orphans. (fourthworldmovie.com) Work with the movie team to help coordinate movie nights in your area and be a voice for the voiceless.

Learn Non-Profit Skills

Social media and storytelling. A child’s life can be changed by simply telling their story.

Creative writing and Photoshop. These are both essential skills in a non-profit world.

Website development and film-making. As you advocate for your child, you will be able to upload their information on our website!

Fundraising and sponsorship campaigns. We will guide you in how to fundraise for your trip to China. You also get to participate in our yearly fundraising for the kids!

Managing volunteers and staff.

– Different methods to support yourself in ministry.

Non profit awareness event planning and public speaking.

(This is a sample of the types of nonprofit skills you will learn!)

Intro to Child Counseling

Trauma care. Learn how to begin the healing process for children who come from hard places.

Childhood grief and loss. Learn how to walk someone through the grief and loss process. Also, we will discuss the different stages of grief and loss.

– Discover various types of therapy that can help children heal! We will be discussing several forms of therapy.

Childhood depression, anxiety, fear. These emotional challenges can be a result from a traumatic event in a child’s past. We will scratch the surface of each on each of these topics!

Mentoring children from hard places. Learn what your role as a mentor looks like, and how you can make a difference in a child’s life.

The heart of the orphan, the role of the counselor. Learn the different ways hurting children process their past, how they might react, and how we can counsel them cross-culturally!

The Bible and counseling. What does God’s word say about counselors? How can we apply truths from scripture to a child’s past, and help guide them to truth?

(This is a sample.)


Missions Training Program

At BMH, we believe our relationship with Christ is our highest priority, and that our ministry flows out of this love for Jesus. This is why time will be spent growing in our knowledge of God and God’s heart for the world and missions by reading books, articles, and listening to sermons. Here are a few of the missions training core elements:

God’s heart for the world and missions

Reaching the needy. (refugees, widows, orphans, the poor)

– Learn about international, local, short term, and long term missions.

– Learn your unique gifts, strengths, and talents.


Go to Camp in China

Going to a Bring Me Hope camp is the capstone event in your internship. You will be able to work with the children directly and see how your efforts are being used to love & defend orphans. For more information about camp, refer to the go to camp page. During the internship, you will be taught how to create a fundraising campaign in order to help relieve some of the costs of going to camp in China.  Here’s what some of the kids have said:

“Camp is where I learned how to love people. Thank you!” – Meng Meng

“I know I cry a lot, but that is because I trust you and I know that you love me.” Nian

Hannah’s Story (A camp story)

Registration Details


Cost: $199 which covers books mailed to you, materials, background check, and administrative fees.

Academic Credit: We will work with your school to provide academic credit for your internship.

Location: From your home on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Time Requirement:
12 hours per week. Trainings will take place ONLINE and will be every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30-6:30pm PST. This internship is a 12 month program.

Registration deadline: January 1st, 2019 (Ask about exceptions)

Age: 16 and older

E-mail Response time: Our team relies on timely response to E-mail. Same day (Monday – Friday) E-mail response is a must.

Requirements: Submit your online application. After reviewing your application we will let you know if you are accepted within one week.

*This is NOT a paid internship.

* Details are subject to change.

One Year Schedule:


SEMESTER 1:  January 8th – June 27th, 2019 *Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:30-6:30pm PST 


Week 1: July 8-12. Week 2: July 15-19. Week 3: July 22-26. Week 4: July 29-August 2. 

SEMESTER 2: August 27th – December 17th, 2019 *Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:30-6:30pm PST

Intern Reviews:

Bring Me Hope’s internship program is about so much more than just gaining work experience. It’s also about impacting the lives of orphans, investing in others, stepping out of your comfort zone, discovering your passions, making new friendships, and growing closer to Jesus. The Bring Me Hope staff genuinely cares about the interns and they have gone out of their way to disciple and train each of us. During my time as an intern, my job roles have focused on learning non-profit management, volunteer coordinating, and orphan advocacy. I have been given opportunities to strengthen my leadership skills and apply what I’ve learned by teaching lessons, presenting new ideas, and managing projects. Whether I was working online from home or serving at summer camp in China, I was constantly being challenged to learn, grow, and love deeper because of my involvement with Bring Me Hope. It definitely isn’t your average non-profit internship. It is a unique opportunity to partner with a community of creative, passionate individuals who are seeking to glorify God through caring for orphans and standing up for those who can’t stand for themselves.
– Laura Hyatt

Never once did I think the internship was a waste of time. Not only were the people easygoing and cool, I learned a lot from the weekly lessons and the testimonies we shared. I grew close with my fellow interns and mentors even though we’re miles apart from each other and only saw each other through google hangout. There’s also room for creativity when it comes to some of the graphics work, which is awesome because I get to input my ideas. Bring Me Hope internships are awesome experiences that help you grow as a person while doing what you love to do!
– Sarah Kang

I started my Bring Me Hope internship in January and I still continue to learn new things about my team, adoption and what I can do to help the orphan crisis today. As a college student, I wanted to make a difference but I didn’t know much about adoption or working with a nonprofit. But this BMH internship has guided me and given me practical tools and confidence to start making a difference. My team encourages one another and it is such a blessing to work alongside such talented students, each devoted to love and defend orphans. I am so thankful for this opportunity! My highlight thus far was going to BMH summer camp in Yantai because I finally got to meet the kids that I’ve been advocating for and the interns became my family for those 5 weeks. No matter what you do as an intern, whether if it’s emailing prospective adoptee parents, editing videos, or posting photos, you are taking a stand for orphans. If you dare to get outside your comfort zone, learn new things, be committed to a greater cause, and are brave enough to step out and love, then this internship is for you!
– Christina Lopatin

Through Bring Me Hope’s internship program, I’ve been able to learn and apply skills that no classroom can teach you. No classroom teaches you how to interact with a child who has been abandon or who has to live with a special need. But through this internship, I have had the privilege of sharing the Father’s love and advocating for these same children. I have been given an amazing opportunity to be a part of something bigger than myself and making a difference in the lives of others. I’m so appreciative of our teachers and mentors as they have encouraged me in my tasks and considered my inputs and ideas as valuable. They have taught me invaluable skills from webpage design, to storytelling, to advocating, to using whatever talents I have in the expansion of God’s kingdom. The relationships that were built through this experience is something worth holding on to. It’s crazy how a group of strangers from different parts of the nation, can get together and be so united with one vision and purpose. I am honestly so proud to call myself a Bring Me Hope intern.
– Elizabeth Yang



Intern Coordinator: Bethany Bolt – bethany@bringmehope.org – 760-504-1300