
Age: 11 (as of 10/22/2024)

16 years old as of 10/22/2024

Lewis has a lovable personality complimented by a million-dollar smile. He has Down’s syndrome and is not able to communicate verbally as effectively as most children, but he shows his friendly heart by giving many heartfelt hugs and high-fives. He has a more quiet, calm personality, and a few of his hobbies are reading, coloring, listening to music, and dancing. He is very good at imitating sounds, but cannot quite speak yet. He can get himself dressed and play with toys by himself, but struggles with more detailed actions, such as writing his name. With the love and help of a family, Lewis could thrive and learn how to do more things when someone is able to give him their personal attention and dedication. He deserves love and a wonderful family.

~Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow. -Isaiah 1:17~

Photos & Videos

For more detailed information about Lewis, leave us a message to the right or email advocate@bringmehope.org.

*Disclaimer:  We can’t share the child’s Chinese Name or DOB directly.  If you are interested in seeing the file and adopting this child, please have your agency contact us to get the child’s information.
*DISCLAIMER: While we always strive to stay on top of which agency a child is placed with IF they disappear from the shared list, due to the nature of how files can move this isn’t always possible.
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