
Age: 10 (as of 10/22/2024)

17 years old as of 10/22/2024

We hardly recognized Brady when he got off the bus this year. He’s grown so much since 2015 (his last BMH camp experience)! Brady is very intelligent and energetic. He prefers to be treated as a young man not a child. He absolutely loves math and excels in problem solving. His volunteer who had been a math tutor was very impressed by his skills! At camp he enjoyed our time at the pool the most, and it was his favorite memory at camp. He also enjoyed playing basketball and solving Rubik cubes.

Brady has epilepsy, but this doesn’t seem to affect his daily functions. He’s your typical active boy who loves sports and has everlasting energy.

Here’s a note from a volunteer to Brady’s future family:

With the consistent love and discipline of a family, I think Brady would flourish! He needs someone to pursue his heart, and I noticed that once he knew he was loved by us, he seemed to open up and would consider what I had to say. He just needs to know that you care about him.

Photos & Videos

For more detailed information about Brady, leave us a message to the right or email

*Disclaimer:  We can’t share the child’s Chinese Name or DOB directly.  If you are interested in seeing the file and adopting this child, please have your agency contact us to get the child’s information.
*DISCLAIMER: While we always strive to stay on top of which agency a child is placed with IF they disappear from the shared list, due to the nature of how files can move this isn’t always possible.
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