
Age: 13 (as of 10/22/2024)

18 years old as of 10/22/2024

Archer is a 13-year-old, selfless boy who is waiting for a family to call his own….

He is a frequent flyer at Bring Me Hope’s Summer camp and is a positive and independent soul.
Archer has two minor disabilities, a lazy eye and incomplete control of his hands, making chopstick usage a challenge, however, that does not deter him from trying and persevering. Once he has had enough of trying he finds using a spoon is an easy alternative. He can dress and shower himself and does not require any special help.

Archer can communicate well in Chinese, and he has acquired some English phrases to his vocabulary. His outgoing personality will capture your heart if you give him a chance to warm to you.
He is energetic with a passion for sports – his favorites include soccer, swimming and basketball.

Although Archer has been waiting for his family for a long time, he keeps a positive outlook and a friendly attitude – could you be Archer’s forever family?

“Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and oppressed.”
– Psalm 82:3

Photos & Videos

Archer’s Advocacy Video can be viewed by clicking the following link;



For more detailed information about Archer, leave us a message to the right or email

*Disclaimer:  We can’t share the child’s Chinese Name or DOB directly.  If you are interested in seeing the file and adopting this child, please have your agency contact us to get the child’s information.
*DISCLAIMER: While we always strive to stay on top of which agency a child is placed with IF they disappear from the shared list, due to the nature of how files can move this isn’t always possible.
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