Who We Are
It began with one family, one adopted baby, and one summer in China. We’ve grown into a Christian ministry driven by a passion to love and defend people worldwide. Our child sponsorship program offers children the opportunity to learn about Jesus while gaining a valuable job skill. Our medical delivery drones are designed to save lives and stop preventable death by delivering essential supplies to remote populations in Africa. We invite you to join us in bringing hope to those in need.
Bring Me Hope Foundation
2169 Green Canyon Rd.
Fallbrook, CA 92028
Call/Text: 760-723-5885
How It All Started
Our Programs
Bring Me Hope initiatives to love and defend:
- Child Sponsorship : www.bringmehope.org/sponsor
- Where Love Found Me : Streaming on Amazon Prime
- Medical Delivery : ww.bringmehope.org/drone